First and foremost, with all that is going on in the world, the solitude, isolation, loss, and death, we at Kranz Books Bindery hope you are healthy and staying strong throughout this pandemic. It hasn’t been easy and it could become increasingly difficult, more so for some than others. As you may or may not know, Kranz Books Bindery is adhering to the guidelines and remaining closed to the public until further notice.
With that being said, being a family run business, we are all quarantined together anyhow, so we are working on some fantastic new book structures, adding new functional books to the Etsy shop, such as dateless planners, and trying our best to stay positive during this troubled time.

When not in the bindery, we try to get fresh air as much as possible, taking hikes along Walnut Creek, being sure to keep our distance from anyone else who may have the same idea.
Our tongues out have a slightly different meaning than in most families. It’s a silent way of saying, “I love you!” Strange, I know.

Even the Bookbinder’s Apprentice needs a break from his studies and Xbox adventures with his online friends.
I believe the quarantine has been hardest on him. While he is no stranger to spending hours or days on end playing video games, he misses his friends at school and how often we used to venture out.
I for one am looking forward to when we can explore a bit more freely and not have to worry about Covid-19 and it’s consequences.
Feel free to share how you are coping with the stress of self isolation and what you are doing to beat the humdrum.
Stay safe. Stay Healthy, both physically and mentally.
~ Ezju