
Book In Finishing Press

I’m getting asked more often if I offer classes or workshops at the bindery. I am very excited to announce, in 2021 I do plan to start offering several options for workshops at Kranz Books Bindery. There will be more information regarding the exact nature of the classes, availability, and prices announced here in this Blog, on my @KranzBooks Instagram page, as well as Facebook and other Social Media platforms. Please stay tuned!

What will the workshops look like?

I am currently drafting the presentation, instruction booklet, and creating the tools list for the first few. They will include a simple accordion style book or album, Japanese bindings, Long Stitch Binding, Coptic Binding, and the basic Flat Back Hard Case Binding. I plan to launch the first one Fall of 2020 and one a month for the next few months into 2021.

Future bookbinding workshops will look closer at more difficult bookbinding structures such as the Springback (Account Book Binding), English Case Binding, German Case (Bradel) Binding, and the Belgian Secret Binding. There will even be an in-depth workshop focused on Headbands!

Other classes will be developed including: Medieval & Early Modern Manuscripts, The Girdle Binding, and a version of the Nag Hammadi Codex binding.

Each class will build on information and techniques from previous classes. It is recommended that the novice starts with the beginning workshops and works their way through the intermediate workshops before tackling the more advanced workshops.

The workshops will include a basic history of bookbinding with an emphasis on the type of binding being taught at the time. Each workshop participant will receive a copy of the instructions (too keep) as well as all the materials for the project, and tools to use or take home included in the workshop fee.

Feel free to reach out and let me know what types of bookbinding workshops you would most be interested in! I’m looking forward to hearing from you!

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